Saturday, March 19, 2011

KFMB, you stay classy San Diego's CBS affiliate

Fire up the TiVo after a frigid morning bike ride, and what do I find?  KFMB-TV in San Diego, whose CBS feed is carried on Time Warner Cable in Carlsbad, decided that it would make more financial sense to air back-to-back episodes of "Horseland", an animated show for children, instead of the first hour of the Kentucky/West Virginia game.  Not only that, but the TiVo guide says BOTH EPISODES OF "HORSELAND" WERE RERUNS.

(I can hear my neighbor who pulls down the free-over-the-air HD signal from LA cackling quietly to himself.  Smug s.o.b.)

I am struggling to figure out how the execs at KFMB could possibly have justified running reruns of a cartoon, instead of extracting their piece of the $10.8 billion that CBS committed to the Big Dance.  Can ads for My Little Pony, Barbie, and diabetic breakfast cereals really generate more revenue than ads for fizzy yellow water, fried food that is killing us, and automobiles made by bankrupt former industrial giants?  If it turns out that the reason we had to miss the first hour of the game is because the CEO of KFMB has a daughter who really likes horsies, then I'm going to be writing him or her a strongly worded note.

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