Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brackets? Brackets? We don't need no stinking Brackets!

It’s that time of year again when the wildflowers bloom, the swallows return to Capistrano, and millions of Americans attempt to decipher the divine messages buried in the bracket for the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament.  One year, I thought I had found the secret to life, the universe, and everything else encrypted in my final tournament bracket, but it turned out that I had simply correctly put Syracuse into the Final Four as an 8-seed.  Oh well.

Take another shot at “Supreme College Basketball Enlightenment” by again participating in our NCAA Bracket Prediction Contest.  Cast your lot for a chance to win the awe and respect of your peers, as well as a few shekels*.  Or, just try to prove that you know more about hoops than Gordon.

The tournament field will be selected this Sunday, March 13, and I will have brackets (official rules and “suggested donation” TBD) to fill out on Monday, March 14.  Entries must be in by the tip-off of the first games on Thursday, March 17.  So, start gathering your favorite talismans, sacrificial items, and practicing your best incantations to focus your prescience on predicting which 12-seed will beat which 5-seed.

(Spread the word to others that might have been unintentionally left off the distribution list for this note.)

*No “donations” denominated in Israeli currency will be accepted

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